Thursday 3 March 2016


For those of you who know me well, you know I am obsessed with romantic comedies. Like really obsessed. Some of my fondest memories from when I was younger are staying up late with my mom and sister, eating popcorn and watching rom-coms. I have some obvious favourites such as Bridget Jones Diary, Love Actually and When Harry Met Sally. But I also love discovering new movies, mostly through recommendations or the internet. I am constantly looking for online lists of the best romantic comedies; I want to watch them all. No seriously, before I die... I will have watched every romantic comedy out there. That I promise! Anyways, at the moment there are five adorable rom-coms that I cannot get enough of and I thought I would share them with you. So here are my recommendations…

I know there was a lot of back-and-forth with reviewers on this movie, some loved it and others hated it. But I personally love this movie. What I like most about Amy Schumer as an actress, comedian and person is her honesty. She has no qualms or hang-ups about who she is and that is great to see in a leading lady. As for Bill Hadar, I did not think I would enjoy him in a leading male role but I was pleasantly surprised.

For the majority of this movie I was completely frustrated by the two leading characters. I don't want to give away too much here, but I will say I was satisfied in the end. This is an adorable movie and I love how you travel through years of these two charters lives over the course of the movie. Kinda like a When Harry Met Sally type of thing.

The entirety of this movie unfolds in one night. It's about instant connection and finding love when you least expect it. This one is very romantic. I am not always the biggest fan of independent films but I really enjoyed this one. And how could you not, I mean Chris Evans looks amazing in it! Fun fact: Chris Evans directed this movie as well.

This movie started out pretty weak for me, but by the end I was very involved. Again, this movie happens over the course of one evening. I would have never thought of Simon Pegg as a leading romantic interest but you instantly fall for his character. He is just so adorable. I am not a huge fan of Lake Bell and am still not. But I could tolerate her in this movie.

This movie has quickly become one of my all-time favourites. The two main characters cast by Jason Sudeikis and Alison Brie are so perfect for their roles. They also have a lot of chemistry and do a great job of portraying this relationship. It's one of those movies that will have you wishing that was you by the end. Which probably isn't healthy, but you get so wound up into it and invested. Out of all of these movies, you really have to see this one. I also love The Graduate references throughout this film.