Wednesday 25 July 2012

Refresh. . .

Hello All !

As most of you know it has been an incredibly hot summer here in Canada. Therefore, I thought what better way to share with you all my tips on how to cool off during these hot summer months then a blog post. Listed below are my favourite refreshing discoveries of the summer ! Enjoy. I hope you can use some of this tips, tricks and products to cool off!

Unsweetened Shaken Ice Tea Lemonade (Black, Green, Passion Fruit)

The Beach (Obviously!)

Putting your favourite moisturiser in the fridge.

Underwear In The Fridge. (Strangely enough this works wonders!)

Maxi Dress. (Keep cool with light, flowing clothing that doesn't cling to your already hot skin.)

My personal favourite item of clothing to wear on a hot summer day.. Jumpers.

Chinese Fan! (Works better then expected.)

I hope you enjoyed my quick fixes on how to stay cool during these hot summer months!

-Vic xox