Tuesday 4 October 2011

From The Kitchen, To Your Hair . . .

I am constantly looking for ways to avoid hair products that are full of chemicals and cause build up. Recently I came across a list of iteams that you can find in your kitchen that you can use in your hair! Yay! Not only are you avioding these chemicals and build up; you know what is actually being put in your hair and its cheap!

Baking Soda!

Baking Soda pretty much kicks ass. I mean it can be used in so many different ways from oudour, to teeth, to hair! Yes, hair. The truth is, Shampoo is an asshole. We use it and yes it temperarly cleans are hair but it also leaves us with horrible amounts of build up on our hair. Yuck! Yes, your hair may look shiny and health after using a specific shampoo but truth is, that is not your hair! It's a glossy coating and hardly does this shine last long and your hair gets dirty easier. So the solution, apart from buying extremly expensive organic shampoos; try this! Once a week add 3 Tbsp. of baking soda to 3 Cups of water. After shampooing rinse your hair and then pour the baking soda mix throughtout you hair and follow by conditioning. Once you have done this, you will be left with shiny and silky hair, and it really will feel brand new.

This one is really simple and is great for dry or brittle hair! Go ahead, whip up one or two eggs (depending on your volume of hair) and rub them into dry hair. Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave on 15 minutes before washing out. And please remember when you are washing the egg out that the water is not too hot! Unless you want cooked egg chuncks all throughout your hair! So again, NO hot water, instead cold water!

Molasses or Maple Syrup!

I have actually never heard of this one before! And when I read it I thought for sure that putting these ingredients in your hair would lead to a huge mess and it would be extremely sticky, but I was surprised! For anyone who has dry hair or just wants a boost this is for you and remember to use real maple syrup or malasses to help produce better results. Pour either of these things (you can dilute the molasses with water if it’s too thick to scrub in) on dry hair. Wrap with plastic wrap or cover with a good shower cap. Leave on for 20 minutes. Wash as you normally do. Also, did you know that ingesting Molasses daily can help clear up acne and streghten hair and nails. Interesting . . .

Apple Cidar Vinegar!

I have always heard great things about apple cidar vinegar and I was really impressed by the results! If you suffer from dandriff or just want beautiful hair this is for you! All you have to do is mix
 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar to 2 cups of water and shake well. After shampooing and conditioning pour mixture throughout hair, after you can either leave your hair or give it one more rinse.

Olive Oil!

Olive oil is great for all hair types and is truly amazing! To moisturize and strengthen:  1/2 cup of olive oil in the microwave for 15 seconds (or heat on very low for a few minutes) – just until it’s warm enough to matter, but not so hot that it burns your skin. Apply to damp (not dripping!) hair. Wrap with plastic wrap or cover with a warm towel. Leave this on for 20 minutes to an hour, and then shampoo out as usual. To smooth and shine: Put a scant 1/2 tsp of olive oil in your palms and rub. Then apply to the top of your hair, moving downward.

And there it is! I hope you all try these and have awesome results!