Tuesday 25 October 2011

Dark Underarms :( . . .

I think we have all been to that point in our lives when we look at our underarms and it looks like a black hole. And if your like me; no matter how much you scrub those underarms or shave they still end up looking dark. For the past month I have been scouring the Internet for the solution and I have come across a few that don't involve harmful lightening products or waxing (oww). Below are some homemade remedies (DIY, yah!) for this unsightly problem.

The first recommendation I found on a lot of sites was to use a buff puff on your armpits. This helps scrub away any left over deodorant that can build up over time, odour and possibly contribute to the darkness under your arms.

Baking soda paste:

Mix baking soda and water until you create a paste... Apply. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apply Apply cider vinegar to a cotton ball and wipe over problem areas. No need to rinse!

Potato Juice:

Either blend the potato into a paste, or just cut open for all the juices and rub over problem areas!

Enjoy :)

Comment Below On Whether Any Of These Solutions Worked For You!!