Sunday 23 November 2014

My 2014 Journey..

At the beginning of this year I knew I wanted to make great changes in my life. I had been living life the same way day-to-day for the last three years and was unhappy. I took the time to evaluate everything that was happening in my life. I am a college student with good grades, I have
an amazing family and true friends. So why wasn't I happy? The truth; I was happy with everything happening around me but not with myself. 

For years I have struggled with my weight. I've never thought you had to be thin to be happy or beautiful. But my self-confidence was suffering and I didn't like the choices I was making in my life. The first thing I learned in wanting to lose weight, is probably the most important.. You cannot do it for anyone but YOURSELF. I have tried a million different diets; that maybe should have worked. But when it came down to it, I was always doing it for someone else. For my family, for a boy, etc, etc, etc. 

I kicked off my weight loss with this amazing program called the P.I.N.K. Method. This program aided in my weight loss because it simply taught me how to eat again. It eliminated all those foods I had been relying on for years and focused on nourishing my body. After following this method for a month, I found I no longer needed it. I was now able to make more conscious decisions and follow my own guidelines. This is when I started to introduce exercise into my weight loss journey. I was not a girl who liked to exercise. I never got off on running marathons, lifting weights or doing any other high intensity workout. In fact, if I am completely honest.. I didn't even like to sweat. What I discovered is that I couldn't kick my own butt at the gym, so I had to get someone else to do it for me. First, it was my sister who would force me to the gym. She's always been a touch terrifying and in the beginning that's what I needed. Then I got braver, I signed up for boot camp. My first session I thought I might throw up and had visions of pushing the instructor onto a busy highway. If you know what I mean... But as time went on, the sessions got easier and easier. 

After struggling with my hatred of exercise for so long. I have actually learned to love it and enjoy my time "sweating" it out. I have learned so much over this last year and I am excited to share my experiences with all of you! 

Check out some snapshots of my journey over the past year.  

-Fruity Water Drink-

-P.I.N.K. Method Meal-

 -Fifty-Five Down//Twenty-Five To Go-