Wednesday 15 January 2014

Zoya : Natural Nail Polish . . .

I love my beauty product; but what do I love most? Nail polish. I love spending time doing my nails and painting them all sorts of pretty colours. I have never been a one brand kinda gal, especially when it comes to nail polish. But, I have to say I think I have found my one true love when it comes to nail polishes. Zoya. 
Awhile back I received two different colours of Zoya nail polish in a Glossybox Canada. Having so many different nail polishes on the go, I just recently tried this product. Already I am hooked. 

The application of Zoya nail polish is fantastic. So easy to apply! With this product it honestly only takes one application to get the desired colour. I love a nail polish that takes little time to dry and Zoya nail polishes dry very quickly. 

I would highly recommend this product to anyone else out there who is a fanatic for nail polishes! 

Oh, also an added bonus Zoya is a natural nail polish.

Check out Zoya products on their webpage. They have an unbelievable selection. I am personally really excited to try their matte polishes.