Saturday 24 September 2011

If There Is A WILL, There Is A Way . . .

"It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion." - Mentat Prayer
For the entirety of my life thus far; I have based my actions off those of others. Constantly obsessing over what other people do as a guideline for my own life. Well, today this stops. Today, I will start leading a life of my own, based solely upon what I want. I am getting to that age in life when no one else but yourself can make you successful at whatever you chose to do. Growing up your parents mold you into the person you are today but it is up to you to choose what you do with the valuable knowledge they have provided you with. And I have activiely decided to longer watch life pass me by but to live my OWN life.

 I WILL, live my own life.

I will, always be the best possible version of myself. I will, be confident and proud of who I am. I will, strive for greatness and settle for nothing less. I will, be the perfect daughter, sister and friend. I will, always remember the good times. I will, help those in need. I will, always smile at strangers. I will, always give someone the benefit of the doubt. I will, prove myself and other wrong. I will, always no matter what, just be me.