Tuesday, 18 December 2012

18/12/12 - Favorite

Hey Everyone!

I have been thinking of trying something new with my blog and now that the holidays are here and I actually have spare time, I can do it! I am a very passionate person, I like a lot of things and when I like something I want to tell everyone about that particular product, brand or what ever it maybe.  A couple times I week I will be posting on what my favorite stuff is at the moment. As well as give some recommendations of products and such that I think you would all like. So today on December 12,2012 I will posting my first favorite. I have thought long and hard about it and I have decided on which product to share with you today. It's one that I truly cannot get enough of at the moment and is so perfect for the holiday season. It is  "All Is Glam, All Is Bright" from the line Nicole by OPI. It is so pretty and festive; I absolutely love it. The glittering colors that they use in the polish are perfect for this time of year. What I love about OPI products is their drying time, I personally have no patience so I am always trying different polishes to see which dries the fastest and OPI always comes out on top. I also really love the play on words that OPI uses for a lot of their products, so cute. I would recommend this color to anyone who loves nail polish and is looking for something flashy and Christmas-y. I received it this month in my Glossy Box and am so extremely pleased with it.

Check it out!!!


Sunday, 9 December 2012

My Body Is My Journal & My Tattoos Are My Story...

It's true. You know that moment before you go and get that first tattoo and everyone; your parents, friends and even strangers tell you that once you have one, you'll want more. After I got my first tattoo I had everyone telling me that I would in fact not be able to stop at just one. For the longest time I wanted to prove all those people wrong. I wanted to be satisfied with one tattoo; just some small bit of writing on my foot. That was until a couple of weeks ago when I got the sudden urge to do something spontaneous. No, never should anyone get a tattoo purely out of spontaneity. But I had really been thinking a lot lately of what kind of tattoo I would get if I was indeed going to get another one. I guess the tattoo itself was not the spontaneous part, but rather the act of actually getting it done.

I had decided that if I did get another tattoo it would be the letter "L" on my wrist. I never thought I would actually follow through with it.. Until I had that moment of weakness, that urge that everyone warns you about, to go and brand myself once again. I hate when people refer getting a tattoo to branding... Makes me think of poor little animals and... Well, you get the picture.

I have always been proud of who I am, where I come from and that is what the letter "L"means to me. It represents the pride I have in who I am and who my family is. I have always been very close with my family and I hope that never changes... When everything seems to go to hell and those people are standing by your side without flinching, their your family.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Pumpkins, Happy Halloween !!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Stay tuned, I will be posting a video/post on my Mexican Day of The Dead tutorial in the next couple of days!!
Stay Safe & Eat Chocolate!!!

- Vicki

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Are Those Fake!!

Hello everyone,

Long time no talk. Serious. It has truly been too long, way to long. I have missed blogging miserably but in all honesty have not had the time to sit down and write. Which is sad, because it is something that I enjoy. Isn't it silly that when life gets busy we are never able to find time to do the things we enjoy. Well, I have taken a vow that no matter how busy or messy life gets I will keep doing the things I enjoy, mainly blogging. So trust in me when I say, that you will be hearing from me a lot. I mean a lot. I am going to blog about everything and anything that I am interested in, or partcially interested in or maybe even not interested in at all. That's how much I will be blogging and I hope that you; all my friends, will take this journey with me!

Anyways, to kick things off I recently put together a simple tutorial on my favorite product of the summer! imPress nails. I have never really been one for fake nails as I find that I get tired of them quickly, can't afford the up keep (remember broke college girl), and hate what it does to my nails. This is until I discovered imPRESS nails, they are amazing! You can purchase them at any of your local drug stores or even Wal-Mart. They are less then ten dollars which is more then ideal for me. And they look natural, almost too natural. Anyways, take a look at this tutorial and let me know what you think!!

Love as always,


Coming up..... Fall Haul ! ( Beauty Products ) Stay Tuned !

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Refresh. . .

Hello All !

As most of you know it has been an incredibly hot summer here in Canada. Therefore, I thought what better way to share with you all my tips on how to cool off during these hot summer months then a blog post. Listed below are my favourite refreshing discoveries of the summer ! Enjoy. I hope you can use some of this tips, tricks and products to cool off!

Unsweetened Shaken Ice Tea Lemonade (Black, Green, Passion Fruit)

The Beach (Obviously!)

Putting your favourite moisturiser in the fridge.

Underwear In The Fridge. (Strangely enough this works wonders!)

Maxi Dress. (Keep cool with light, flowing clothing that doesn't cling to your already hot skin.)

My personal favourite item of clothing to wear on a hot summer day.. Jumpers.

Chinese Fan! (Works better then expected.)

I hope you enjoyed my quick fixes on how to stay cool during these hot summer months!

-Vic xox

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Hello Again, Unwanted Darkness...

Hello All!

I know it has been awhile since I put my fingers to typing and actually updated my blog. Unfortunately, I have been extremely busy so far this summer, but as you know by now my blog is my "baby". And therefore from this day on, I am now totally and completely dedicated to keeping it updated and fresh.

Awhile back I did a post on dark underarms and home remedies that can help you eliminate them. After this, I had a couple people asking me how to get rid of dark elbows, knees and knuckles. So, today I am going to do just that. Give you guys some ideas on how to eliminate these unwanted dark patches of skin.

Dark elbows, knees and knuckles are caused for various different reasons . . .

- Lack of exfoliation can often lead to a build-up of dead skin cells on and around these areas causing them to become darker.

- Believe it or not, knees and elbows tend to attract more dirt and grime due to the manifold on them. It my be beneficial to take the time to wash these areas more specifically when showering.

- Finally, my personal reason as to why my knees and elbows are dark is because they have fewer oil glands than other parts of the body, this resulting in dryness. Dryness tends to make your skin darker especially in places like your knees, elbows and knuckles.

I thought it would be easiest to break this whole process down in steps, as I find that it will help in understanding the whole procedure a little better.


Exfoliate. Often dry skin is a cause of dark elbows. To solve this, simply exfoliate these problem areas once or twice a week, followed by your favourite moisturizer to prevent further dryness. I have used just a Buff Puff or loofah and water in the past to exfoliate my rough elbows and have always been pleased with the results. But, to take it that step further try making your own homemade exfoliate. One that I have used and have had success with on other dry parts of my body has been a combination of olive oil and sugar. Simply mix these two ingredients together and then apply to your problem areas. Leaving on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off.


Bleach. Alot of skin products have bleaching components in them to lighten your skin. But, considering we are reviewing at home, natural remedies, try lemon! Apply lemon juice to the dark areas and leave over night. After just one night of use you should be able to notice an amazing difference. Another way to control discolouration of these areas is to mix equal parts of plain/original yogurt and lime juice. After you have mixed them together simply apply to the problem area and leave on for however long you feel fit. One of the great things about homemade remedies is that they do not contain toxic chemicals that, if not used properly can do harm to our skin. Takes some of the pressure away. A more expensive home remedy that is perhaps the most effective is leaving a few strands of saffron on a tablespoon of milk cream overnight. Once it has settled over the course of the night apply it to the problem area and leave on for sometime. After this is done all you have to do is wash it off with water.


Moisturize. Once you have completed step one and step two you should be able to notice a difference in these dark areas, almost immediately. But, this is quite the process to keep coming back to and therefore to maintain that even, soft and healthy skin. Just moisturize 1,2,3 times a day! As many times as you think of it! My personal favourite moisturizing cream to effectively eliminate dry skin is the Vitamin E Intense Moisturize Cream by The Body Shop. Nothing too fancy, but it works!!!

If your curious, try it out! : http://www.thebodyshop.ca/en/index.aspx?cm_mmc=LabeliumSearch-_-Google-_-Product+Lines-_-the%20body%20shop%20lotion
Simple. Three steps that you can take in order to restore beautiful elbows, knuckles, and knees. It is a problem that a lot of different people, with different skin types face.. ALL THE TIME! So, no longer be embarrassed by these rough, uneven, patches of skin! Try some of these homemade remedies and tell me what you think. Did they work for you??

Check out this Youtube video I made on how to cure dry/dark unwanted skin !

Yours as always,

Vicki xxoo

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Its Been Awhile..

Hello All,

I must apologize for my obvious absence and neglect of my lovely blog. It has been a truly crazy last month and I did not have the chance to update, as you may have noticed. But we must celebrate because yes I am back and yes I am done my FIRST year of my Public Relations Bachelor! Yay! I am so extremely pleased with my program and am truly excited to start my second year in the fall. In the mean time... I have a whole summer of blogging ahead of me and I hope that you will all join me !

Talk to you soon!!

-Vicki xox

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Confession Of A Make-Up Junkie . . .

Hey everyone!

     As some of you may know I have recently been compelled to share my favourite things with you all. I have found so many new discoveries and will not stop until I share each and everyone of them with you all. Today, I wanted to share with you all my favourite make up products, the ones that I cannot live without, my essentials. So I hope you all enjoy and maybe you can discover them for yourself.

L'oreal Paris Color Infallible in Hourglass Beige.

This is an amazing product! It applies very easily and you do not need a lot for it to take effect. The color is a shimmery gold/silver, catching the light so perfectly. It is harder to describe it and do it the justice it deserves so I encourage you all to check it out at your local drug store and maybe give it a purchase !

Nars Albatross

This is a product that I recently discovered and I love it! It is a highlighting blush brought to you by nars. Opposed to a white or silver colored highlighter, this highlighter has a gold dew to it. It gives such an amazing look. A look that can be demonstrated through this picture :

Amazing right!

EOS Lip Balm

EOS is an organic lip balm that works wonders on chapped lips. Since using this balm it is extremely rare that my lips become chapped. Not only does it work but it comes in various yummy flavors and I love the unique look to this product.

Baby Lips lip balm

Baby Lips

This is a great product that creates various different shades and at the same time moisturises your lips. The color is long lasting and provides a plump, full look to your lips.

Annebelle Lip Liner in Natural Rose

This product creates a natural darker tint to your lips. It is long lasting and provides a great matte finish. It surpasses my expectation enormously! This is a simple drug store product and I would not trade it for anything else. It is currently my favourite item in my make up bag !

Finally, the combination of Macs Pro Longwear and their Mineralize Skinfinish is great. This is the perfect combination and one I have been in search of for a very long time. The finished look is always very natural looking and assists in complete coverage. I love my Mac products and these are two of my very favourites.

-Vicki xox

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Caviar Nails !

So, recently I discover Caviar Nails.I am a little behind on this trend but it is such an awesome idea that I had to share it with you all! I tried it myself and loved my results. I will be sure to upload my picture results at a later time, but I encourage everybody to check out this How To in the mean time!

-Vic xox

Sunday, 18 March 2012

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things . . .

Hey All,

As you all know I am a broke college student, (Sad Face). And therefore, any purchase I make has to be one that I am really excited about. Lately,there have been a lot of things that have excited me, which is a good thing because I can share them all with you but my bank account isn't too happy with me!! I am the type of person that when I find something awesome I have to share it with everyone, and I mean everyone. So, why not share it all with you! Be prepared for me to shove these items down your throat because I really like them! So check it out!

Books Edition .


The Hunger Games. You probably could have predicted this; everyone is obsessing about these books. My sister Ali read these books awhile back and oftened raved about them, trying to convience me to read them. Usually I am the one telling my sister about amazing books so for the roles to be reversed... It was damaging to our relationship. Secretly I have always wanted to read them but didn't want to give her the satisfaction.Eventually, I caved. Going behind her back to take each book when I didn't think she would notice; long story short, she caught me and I havent been able to shut up about them since. After they released the trailers for the book, I am even more out of control. I am not the kind of person to read a book just because they are releasing a movie for it and I really don't like when people see a movie and suddenly think they "read" the book because they saw the movie... I am talking about you Twilighters. I loved Edward Cullen before R-Patz ! So don't just see the movie people. Or see the movie and then read the book. Read the book first because I promise you will not be disappointed.


After being inspired by the Hunger Games, I have been really into sci-fi books. But, I am a girl and from time to time I want a sappy, heart warming, easy read. Nicohlas Sparks. He is my "sappy novel" cocaine. I read his books knowing of the emotion rollercoaster I am about to encounter. It's vicious! Unfortunately, I just can't seem to quit them. Awhile back I read "The Lucky One" and immediately feel in love with it. It is by far my favorite Sparks book! (Yes, it is better then The Notebook! I said it.) And now that they are turning it into a movie and none other then Zac Efron is playing the lead male character. I have read it another two times since I heard this news, just to picture Zac (the object of many of my fantasy's) as Logan. Just think, Zac Efron, marine, love story, and dogs. A few of my personal favorites. How could one resist!

I hope you all enjoyed reading about my favorite books at the moment ! I am thinking about posting a new favorite thing every Sunday! So keep watch!

And for those who have not seen this trailer yet. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Lets Make Him Famous !

Hey everyone!

As you all know I use this blog as an outlet to communicate with you all on what I like, and my personal experiences. Today, I have decided to use this blog not for my own selfish reasons, but to encourage you all to be selfless. Please, I urge you all to take 27 minutes out of your busy days to watch the video I am going to post below. In high school I, along with 5 other girls spent endless hours creating and maintaining a Human Rights group. A group to encourage our fellow classmates to make the changes they want to see in the world. We ran many successful campaigns but our favourite and most successful was when we organized a fundraiser for the children effected by the genocide in Darfur. Being a young adult I find that these causes tend to effect me the most. I see children the same age or younger then me being forced into things that in North America seem unimaginable. Things like being given a gun at the age of ten to kill our own parents, being forced into sex slavery and participating in endless killing because we simply don't have a choice. If these disgraceful things were to take place in North America what would be done? Nothing; because the reality of it all is that it wouldn't happen.  No one person can control when and where they are born; we have no control over what conditions we are born into and for many of you reading this post right now, you are lucky. This campaign isn't asking you for your money, it isn't asking you to rally or fight, and it isn't asking you to try to solve the worlds issues. Its asking one simple thing of us all; make Kony famous! Joseph Kony is the leader of LRA, a group that has been abducting children and forcing them into his army for 20 years. All you have to do is watch this video and learn because the sad truth of the matter is... We don't know who Kony is! Watch the video and share it with as many people as you know or even as little as a single individual. Pass this message along just as I am right now! Let's make Kony famous! Learn more below!

Join the pledge:

Make a donation:

Get the kit:

Friday, 2 March 2012

Nice Bow . . .

Hey all, awhile back I said I was going to upload how I achieved the "hair bow" look. And I just finally got around to making a video for it ! So check it out! Hopefully you enjoy and maybe you yourself can give it a try!!

-Vic xox

Thursday, 16 February 2012

What's In My Make Up Bag . . .

Hey everyone! Recently I decided to throw away all my old make up and buy some new stuff! So I thought I would share with you all what is now in my make up bag . . . I have really noticed a difference in how well my make up looks using better products and also, my skin does'nt break out as much.  So here it is everyone, I hope you enjoy it!

My Pink make up bag . . . 

Mac Pro-Longwear Foundation . . .

 Maybelline the Falsiest Volume Express . . .

Eyelash Curler . . .

 Mineral Wear Blush in ``Rosey``. . .

 Mark. Primed To Perfection Primer . . .

Sephora Liquid Eyeliner . . .

Tweezers . . .

Odds: Avon Eyebrow Pencil, LashGrip Lash Glue, Mac Samples, & Hard Candy Lip Chap . . .

Maybelline Baby Lips in ``Cherry Me`` &  "Pink Punch" . . .

Hello Kitty Lip Gloss from Sephora . . .

Rimmel Match Perfection Concealer . . .

Mac Mineralize Skin Finished Natural Powder . . .

 Sparesources Foundation & Powder Brush / EcoTools Blush Brush . . .

 Mini Vaseline Tub . . .

 EOS Organic Lip Balm . . .

 So . . . What's In Yours ?  ? ?

-Vic xox

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Away We Go . . .

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

I have always loved the thought of travelling. The idea of going somewhere new, not know anyone, and just getting lost. I have done some travelling but no where near as much as I want. As a PR student it has become apparent that this practise is very broad and is applicable to a wide variety of job opportunities. I am only in my first year; but at this point I would love to be able to get a job after school that combines my love for travelling with the practise of PR. Below are a list of places that I have been and places I would love to go. Take a look and enjoy!!!


For those who don't know, when I was in grade 11 I went on a school trip to Europe. It was outstandingly beautiful; sometime I wonder if I took that trip for granted but then I remember all the fun I had. It was really great and hopefully not just once in a lifetime !!

Oh, and I did do a blog post about my advice for those interested in going to Europe.. Check it out!


This was my favourite place that we visited on my school trip, it was so old and so pretty!! It was just so mystical, with all the old buildings and cobblestone roads..  I would love to go here again.

 If you like history particularly of the World Wars. Germany is the place for you. As a Canadian visiting Germany it was amazing to take tours of the trenches and visit Vimy Ridge. Any partiotic Canadian should definitely visit Germany.

Paris is outstanding. This is the most beautiful place I have ever been. The history here is so rich. I could spend days upon days getting lost in the streets. Although, it does loose some of its magic because of how fast pace and busy everyone is there. I expected to be walking down the streets French music playing, people walking along, a place where everyone is in love. I was wrong! Although, a good way to escape the hustle and bustle of the streets is finding the nearest park. The busy seem to avoid these parts and their parks are gorgeous.

If you want your breath literally taken from your lungs you must visit Austria. The Alps were absolutely stunning I have never seen such green grass and blue waters. How amazing would it be to build a house in the Alps. It's decided. I'm building a house in the Alps. Imagine waking up to this everyday...

A couple of months after I returned from Europe my friend invited me to go to Florida. Being in high school at the time and having a somewhat disposable income, I decide to go. We stayed and visited Disney land and it was really a lot of fun! But, I don't know if it is because I had just returned from EUROPE or what. But, it didn't live up to what I thought . . .

As magical as the wonderful world of Disney was. . . I wasn't a huge fan of Florida. Especially the HEAT. But like I said I was secluded to one area of Florida, so who knows..

Nova Scotia's hidden gem. Pugwash is a beautiful place that I absolutely love. Home of my Daddy! I love going there in the summer!

I have also been to New Brunswick, Quebec, and PEI. While on the way to Nova Scotia and visiting.


If anyone has seen Eat, Pray, Love then you may know why I want to go to Italy. Everyone here just seems so laid back and the food is amazing.. Or so I hear...

I have heard so much about Shanghai. I would really love to go and experience the drastic cultural change.

I have family in Scotland and would love to go and see the "homeland". I just hope my liver can keep up.


I am not a huge fan of the rain but I think I could survive. You wanna know why..... THE MEN. Watch out Robert.

I just want to sit on the beach and ride my bike.

My sister Ali has inspired me to want to go here.. 21st birthday?? I think so!!

Australia Beach
Who wouldn't want to go to Australia.. Life just seems so much easier out there...

Not only is Alaska beautiful. But I feel like the environment and the people there would just be so homey and small town which I find very alluring..

And there you have it! At the moment these are the "few" places I want to visit. There really are so many more places I want to explore but these are my top!!
