Sunday 18 March 2012

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things . . .

Hey All,

As you all know I am a broke college student, (Sad Face). And therefore, any purchase I make has to be one that I am really excited about. Lately,there have been a lot of things that have excited me, which is a good thing because I can share them all with you but my bank account isn't too happy with me!! I am the type of person that when I find something awesome I have to share it with everyone, and I mean everyone. So, why not share it all with you! Be prepared for me to shove these items down your throat because I really like them! So check it out!

Books Edition .


The Hunger Games. You probably could have predicted this; everyone is obsessing about these books. My sister Ali read these books awhile back and oftened raved about them, trying to convience me to read them. Usually I am the one telling my sister about amazing books so for the roles to be reversed... It was damaging to our relationship. Secretly I have always wanted to read them but didn't want to give her the satisfaction.Eventually, I caved. Going behind her back to take each book when I didn't think she would notice; long story short, she caught me and I havent been able to shut up about them since. After they released the trailers for the book, I am even more out of control. I am not the kind of person to read a book just because they are releasing a movie for it and I really don't like when people see a movie and suddenly think they "read" the book because they saw the movie... I am talking about you Twilighters. I loved Edward Cullen before R-Patz ! So don't just see the movie people. Or see the movie and then read the book. Read the book first because I promise you will not be disappointed.


After being inspired by the Hunger Games, I have been really into sci-fi books. But, I am a girl and from time to time I want a sappy, heart warming, easy read. Nicohlas Sparks. He is my "sappy novel" cocaine. I read his books knowing of the emotion rollercoaster I am about to encounter. It's vicious! Unfortunately, I just can't seem to quit them. Awhile back I read "The Lucky One" and immediately feel in love with it. It is by far my favorite Sparks book! (Yes, it is better then The Notebook! I said it.) And now that they are turning it into a movie and none other then Zac Efron is playing the lead male character. I have read it another two times since I heard this news, just to picture Zac (the object of many of my fantasy's) as Logan. Just think, Zac Efron, marine, love story, and dogs. A few of my personal favorites. How could one resist!

I hope you all enjoyed reading about my favorite books at the moment ! I am thinking about posting a new favorite thing every Sunday! So keep watch!

And for those who have not seen this trailer yet. Enjoy!