Tuesday 22 November 2011

Behind The Fringe Of A Whiskey High . . .

I just wanted to take the time to give a huge shout out and a happy birthday to one of the loves of my life Jenna Marie Cassidy. She is and forever will be one of my closest friends and I sincerely hope that this birthday is one that she will always remember.

Growing up I feel like I had a lot of friends coming and going. It seemed like every other month I had a new "best friend". I have recently come to the conclusion that I used that term way to liberally. It not that these individuals were bad people by any means but with things and time people change and grow apart. Realizing this as I got older I went into every friendship believing that soon that "honeymoon" phase would be over and we would both move on; maybe this was even a downfall to a lot of my friendships. So naturally when I started becoming closer with my now closest friends Michelle and Jenna I had the same hesitation and thought that this would be another temporary friendship. When Michelle went away to school and left Jenna and I in Orangeville, I thought that this was it. The end. I was happily mistaken. If anything when we were apart for that year it made our friendship stronger. And now the three of us are living in three different towns, attending different schools and I find that we are closer then ever.

I know that when I say that these two are my best friends I mean it, wholeheartedly. And when I think about the future I know 100% that we will always be close. We WILL be friends forever. So, I guess your stuck with me ladies.

Here's to a messy and happy birthday to one of the most beautiful individuals inside and out; Jenna "Tipper" Cassidy. Soon we will all be on a whiskey high and bohemian dancing.

Love you forever and always!

Tipper, Cooter and Cooch.